
In order to fulfill the obligations arising from Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on free access to information, NIHO discloses the following information:


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Partners NIHO and ŠUKL

Na základe dohody so Štátnym ústavom pre kontrolu liečiv (ŠÚKL) ponúkame možnosť pacientskym organizáciám sa stať partnermi NIHO a ŠÚKL. Cieľom NIHO je pacientov za ich vstupy do hodnotení honorovať a aj preto je potrebné nastaviť podmienky za ktorých môže byť pacientska organizácia do zoznamu zaradená. Ak je pacientska organizácia partnerom NIHO a ŠÚKL, NIHO ju za relevantný vstup do hodnotenia odteraz môže honorovať. Na zaradenie sa do zoznamu pacientskych organizácií spolupracujúcich s NIHO a ŠÚKL je potrebné vyplniť Žiadosť o zaradenie, ktorá je zverejnená nižšie spolu so samotným zoznamom partnerov NIHO a ŠÚKL. Pacientska organizácia musí spĺňať nasledovné podmienky:

a) It is a non-profit organization focused on patients and their close ones, protecting their rights, advocating for their needs and interests, and with patients or their close ones represented in governing bodies, or their legal representatives in case patients are unable to represent themselves.

b) Its members are: i. Individuals with certain illnesses or health issues, as well as their close ones or their representatives according to civil law, or, ii. Associations/societies whose members are associations/societies that meet criteria a) and b) i.
i. osoby s určitým ochorením alebo zdravotnými problémami, ako aj ich blízke osoby alebo ich zástupcovia podľa občianskeho zákonníka, alebo,
ii. združenia/spolky, ktorých členmi sú združenia/spolky, ktoré splňujú body a) a b) i.,

c) Publishes its financial statements and sources of funding on its website,

d) Has been carrying out its main activities for at least 12 months.

Procedure when requesting information access

The request for information access is handled by NIHO in accordance with Act No. 211/2000 Coll. on free access to information, as amended:

  • The request for information is submitted:
    • in writing – by post,
    • in writing – by personal filing at the NIHO headquarters,
    • orally – in person or by phone on working days: Monday – Friday from 10.00am to 2.00pm,
      pondelok – piatok v čase od 10.00 do 14.00,
    • by e-mail at the following address:
  • The decision to refuse a request for information and the decision not to disclose the information may be appealed within the time limits set by law in writing – by post, personal submission or electronic mail.

The decision to refuse a request for information access and the decision not to disclose information, which, after exhausting the ordinary remedies granted for it, became final, may be reviewed in court proceedings under Act No. 162/2015 Coll. of the Code of Administrative procedure, as amended, on the basis of an action filed within the time limit set by law.



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