Internationally established transparent procedures in line with evidence-based medicine

Multidisciplinary approach in cooperation with our partners

Value for money in using scarce resources in health care

Comprehensive expert assessments as a basis for political decisions

NIHO is an independent HTA institution that issues assessments and analyses according to a well-established European methodology (EUnetHTA) in line with the principles of evidence-based medicine. NIHO is a public institution with statutory funding and obligations which make it independent of politics and influences of the medical technology industry.

The main task of NIHO is to bring scientific approach and transparency to the decision-making processes in the health sector. NIHO studies vast amounts of information available on the subject and processes it in a form that is comprehensible to the decision-makers or authorities. NIHO does not issue decisions, this competence remains with the responsible authority, for the most part with the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic.

Published projects

Asciminib (Scemblix)
Glofitamab (Columvi) – hodnotenie podľa zákona č. 358/2021 Z.z. účinného od 1.1.2024
Špeciálny zdravotnícky materiál – žiadosti o zaradenie do existujúcej podskupiny ku KK dňa 26.09.2024

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Projects in progress

Pegunigalzidáza alfa (Elfabrio)
Projects in progress
Kabazitaxel (Cabazitaxel EVER Pharma)
Projects in progress
Osilodrostat (Isturisa)
Projects in progress

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Involving input from clinical experts and patients is essential for a truly comprehensive technology assessment.

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