Partner organizations
INAHTA is an international network of HTA institutions. Its aim is to share information and knowledge among member institutions. It is also intended to serve as a forum for identifying and promoting their interests. Its members meet annually at the INAHTA congress, as well as at various work projects. The Secretariat is currently located at the Institute of Health Economics in Canada.
HTAi is an international research and professional company representing organizations and individuals who carry out, use or otherwise encounter health technology assessment. It associates members from 65 countries. These include researchers, policy makers, manufacturers, academics, health care providers and patients. It holds an annual conference for its members.
EUnetHTA is a European network of HTA institutions that aims to facilitate cooperation and provide a structure for HTA in Europe. It has developed a set of effective, verified and transparent tools and methodologies for carrying out technology assessments. It offers a space for networking and cooperation among European HTA institutions and their external partners – patients, manufacturers, regulators, health care providers and payers. It has created a methodological standard for HTA, the Core Model, which NIHO uses to create assessments of health technologies in Slovakia.