Partner organizations
HTACG or the Coordination Group on Health Technology Assessment is a group composed of Member States’ representatives, mainly from HTA authorities and bodies. It was established by the Regulation (EU) 2021/2282 on health technology assessment (HTAR). The key tasks of the HTACG are to coordinate and adopt the joint HTA work carried out by its sub-groups within the scope of this Regulation and to adopt methodological and procedural guidance documents for joint work. The HTACG also aims to ensure cooperation with the relevant European Union bodies (e.g. the European Medicines Agency), as well as appropriate involvement of stakeholder organisations and experts in its work.
HAG is an independent group of 32 European healthcare agencies working together to advance strategic collaboration on HTA. The group supports the development of a foundation for joint work on all HTA activities at the EU level, as outlined by the Regulation (EU) 2021/2282 on HTA (HTAR). It also aids in preparing national systems and capacities for the adoption of the HTA Regulation. Additionally, the group supports collaborative efforts at the technical and scientific levels by HTA bodies across Europe. Finally, it provides advice to policymakers and relevant EU and national institutions on HTA matters, especially in the area of cooperation.
HTAi is an international research and professional company representing organizations and individuals who carry out, use or otherwise encounter health technology assessment. It associates members from 65 countries. These include researchers, policy makers, manufacturers, academics, health care providers and patients. It holds an annual conference for its members.
MEDEV is a network of 22 national authorities from 18 Member States and Norway bringing together all the relevant institutions (national HTA agencies and social health insurers-payers) responsible for the assessment, pricing and reimbursement of medicines in Europe. It was established to facilitate informed discussions and exchanges on pharmaceutical policy developments in the EU. MEDEV forum includes all those involved in the decision-making processes turning access to medicines into a reality for patients across Europe. The overarching mission of MEDEV is to further the sustainable provision of medicines to patients who are publicly insured.
AIHTA is an Austrian national HTA institution that is a member of all three of the above-mentioned international organizations. AIHTA's know-how helped NIHO with its start-up.
INAHTA is an international network of HTA institutions. Its aim is to share information and knowledge among member institutions. It is also intended to serve as a forum for identifying and promoting their interests. Its members meet annually at the INAHTA congress, as well as at various work projects. The Secretariat is currently located at the Institute of Health Economics in Canada.